If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child; an adult who works at or who has visited the college, we would invite you to take the most appropriate action as outlined below
Reporting a concern during college hours, 08.00 – 16.30
Please contact an individual member of the safeguarding team or:
Telephone: 01626 367335
Email: dsl@nacollege.devon.sch.uk
*Reporting a concern out of hours, during term time
Please email an individual member of the safeguarding team or:
Telephone: 01626 367335 and leave a message
Email: dsl@nacollege.devon.sch.uk
*Please note that emails and voicemails are not read/listened to, until the next working day, if a child’s welfare is at significant risk and cannot wait until the next day, please follow “Reporting a concern during the school holidays”*
Reporting a concern during the school holidays
Please email lpearl@nacollege.devon.sch.uk with “URGENT” in the subject
*Please note that this inbox is monitored throughout the school holidays
Please contact the Devon Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on:
Telephone: 0345 155 1071 (Monday – Thursday 09.00 – 17.00 Friday 09.00 – 16.00)
Email: multiagencysafeguardinghubsecure-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
If you are calling outside of these hours and only if the matter is urgent and involves the safety of a child, please call:
Telephone: 0345 6000 388 (Monday – Thursday 17.00 – 09.00 Friday 16.00 – 09.00 Bank Holidays 24 hours)
For more information on the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, please click here.
Torbay’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on:
Telephone: 01803 208100
Email: mash@torbay.gov.uk
Emergency duty team out of hours
Telephone: 0300 456 4876
For more information on Torbay’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, please click here.
Plymouth’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on:
Telephone: 01752 668000
Email: gateway@plymouth.gov.uk
Emergency duty team out of hours
Telephone: 01752 346984
For more information on Plymouth’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, please click here.
Reporting a concern about a member of staff or an adult who has visited the college:
Please email the Headteacher Mrs Amy Grashoff agrashoff@nacollege.devon.sch.uk or If your concern is about the Headteacher then email the chair of governors Mr Simon Shadbolt sshadbolt@nacollege.devon.sch.uk to report your concern.