How to apply to Newton Abbot College
All admission applications must be made through Devon County Council who also offer advice and support when making the decision for your child’s secondary education. After receiving notification of your allocated place from Devon County Council, the college will contact you directly with admissions forms, details of college Induction timetables and other useful information including sQuid payment set up and uniform requirements.
The college’s Admission’s Policy is available to view here.
Am I guaranteed a place?
The college cannot guarantee that all applications will be offered a place. We would strongly recommend putting Newton Abbot College as a first choice. If no spaces are available, the college operates a waiting list system.
In-year admissions
To find out if spaces are available for a given year group, please contact the college directly. All applications for in-year admissions must be made through Devon County Council. All prospective in-year admission students and their parents, guardians or carers will have a meeting to ensure that appropriate subject choices are made and transition can be completed smoothly.
If you live within the Newton Abbot College catchment area and are over three miles, by the shortest walking route, from the college, then you may be eligible for free transport from Devon County Council.
Admission policies
Our admission policies can be found on the policies page by clicking here.