Newton Abbot College aims to inspire, support and challenge every individual to be better than they ever dreamt they could be. As part of the process of increasing our young peoples’ opportunities, maximising their outcomes and improving their life chances, the college delivers a coherent Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Programme (CEIAG). The delivery of this programme supports not only the central aims of the college, but reflects the growing awareness amongst parents, students, staff, and colleagues in the support agencies, employers and the wider community that the years spent in secondary education are no longer just concerned with the acquisition of qualifications, but are increasingly about the preparation for the world of work and life-long learning.
At Newton Abbot College we take a whole school approach to careers, with all teachers and Heads of Learning involved in connecting school life to future career prospects.
Our Values lessons in KS3 provide the opportunity to consider individual strengths and likes and our recently introduced booklets to KS3 and some KS4 subjects include time to reflect on and discuss careers in relation to content being taught. We hold regular assemblies throughout the year in all year groups, and host a well-attended Careers Fair.
Our HPA students are provided with bespoke career and mentoring to ensure that they progress along the correct pathway. Students are mentored for early applications to Oxford and Cambridge as well as medicine, veterinary medicine/science, and dentistry. Students are encouraged to apply for Exeter Scholars, the Sutton Trust Summer School and are also encouraged to engage with academic essay competitions. An Academic Reading Club is also run for our HPA students.
To see our 2023-2024 Careers Programme please click here.
We review our Careers Programme, CEIAG Policy and Provider Access Policy annually.
Careers Team
At Newton Abbot College, we have a whole college approach to careers with all staff supporting the delivery of CEIAG through the pastoral system and within curriculum areas. We have a designated team who co-ordinate and monitor the delivery of our careers provision:
Rebecca Blackshaw: Deputy Headteacher, SLT Careers lead
Maire Kemp: Careers Line Manager
Amanda Grant: CEIAG Lead & Work Experience Co-ordinator
Rachel Bolt: Independent Careers Adviser
Fran Buller: Administration Assistant
To contact the team, please email:
CEIAG framework
The college’s career programme has been developed in conjunction with the CDI (Career Development Institute) framework, the Gatsby report’s benchmarks and has been awarded The Quality in Careers Standard by Investors in Careers. The three key areas the college focus on are:
- Self development – through careers, employability and enterprise education;
- Careers exploration – learning about careers and the world of work;
- Career management – learning how to develop career management and employability skills (to include managing changes and transitions.
What CEIAG will my child receive at Newton Abbot College?
CEIAG is on-going throughout the academic year and is delivered through tutor time, calendar-set enrichment days, ‘Imagine what’s possible…’ lessons, subject curriculum and is enhanced by working with local businesses, colleges and universities. Full details of the provision for students can be found in the careers policy on our policies page.
CEIAG provision will be inclusive and targeted to the specific needs of all learners. Group sessions will either be led by internal, knowledgeable staff members or experts external to the college. In all cases, the information, advice and guidance will be impartial and will meet the needs of our young people.
Working in partnership with CSW group, all students have access to guidance from a registered L6 careers adviser who is in college every week. Gemma Nalder is our named contact and can be contacted via Mrs Grant, our designated careers co-ordinator Working in the various partnerships has also enabled the college to participate in projects such as Big Bang Fair, Generation Stem, and the Tri Work pilot.
Aims and objectives of CEIAG
Every young person in our community should leave college prepared for their future. The college will ensure that each individual will be entitled to receive a CEIAG curriculum that;
- Delivers effective and stable CEIAG curriculum to students from Years 7 to Year 13;
Continuously engages and allows students to learn from Career and Labour Market information; - Ensures the needs of each student’s CEIAG needs are individually addressed to allow students to be well-informed when making subject and career decisions;
- Ensures academic rigour that is supported by excellent teaching of careers and character attributes through links with Curriculum Learning;
- Enables students to receive a rich provision of encounters with Employers and Employees;
- Enables students to receive first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and / or work experience;
- Ensures students encounter experiences with Further, Higher Education and apprenticeship providers to support raising aspirations;
- Provides high quality, independent and personal careers guidance crucial in helping students emerge from college more fully rounded and ready for the world of work;
- Guides parents to be able to help inform their children and address the needs of every student.
How does the college measure and assess the impact of our Careers programme on students?
We conduct a Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) which is part of the Careers and Enterprise Compass+ Programme. This is designed to capture students’ career needs and knowledge. With this information we guide and create a careers programme receptive to the needs of learners.
Work experience
As well as tailored CEIAG throughout the academic year, students have one week of work experience that is scheduled in the college’s calendar in both Year 10 and in Year 12. Work experience weeks take place in the summer term.
Students will have the opportunity to discuss their options with the college’s CEIAG Coordinator, who will guide students towards the right placement that will help encourage students to gain experience and confidence in a working environment, learn new skills and help in the transition from college to work or further education.
The student work experience handbook, outlining key points, tips on finding a placement, suitability visits and other useful information is recommended reading for all students. For any enquiries regarding work experience, please contact the college’s CEIAG Coordinator on 01626 367 335 or email at
Student destinations
Students who left Newton Abbot College, after completing their Sixth Form studies, are supported in the next stage of their life, whether it be to University, an Apprenticeship, Employment or further studies.
Ofsted 2024
“Pupils in all year groups receive impartial careers information, advice and guidance. This means that they learn about the world of work, including apprenticeships. Sixth-form students receive support for higher education applications. This means that pupils move on to destinations that align with their future goals.”